The Joy

Radiating all through my body

Violently vibrating every corner of my soul

Lovingly uplifting my spirits

Effortlessly stretching my smile

And like the morning Sun, it wakes me up like the sweet laughter of a young child

the joy is Me

Earth Experience

What I thought a “human experience” is not how it is defined or practiced on this planet.

Children have the wisdom of old celestial souls while grown men lower their voices to gossip about women. [as if they were brought into this world by a stork]

And no one wants to admit that they are wrong and everyone walks around with a self-righteousness that is never to be questioned by humanity [only God can judge me]

They all seem to be against conformity yet, hype mentality is the most controlling and influential force in the social spectrum.

Which is confusing because there is solidarity on mundane issues but division on human and spiritual issues.

The people of this planet insist they are advancing in technology, philosophy and politically. But they use democracies to kill their own brothers and rape their sisters. The technology is destroying the only thing that keeps them alive [the earth]. Their philosophy allows women to empty their wombs of unwanted souls for the sake of their careers or in embarrassment of having another daughter and not enough sons.

They stare at screens, thinking they control the content they are exposed to but fail to realize that they are being pacified with the need to be obsessed with getting ‘stuff’ for the sake of getting ‘stuff.’

Every voice is silenced and they realize not-  how significant this is because a voice has power.

They foolishly believe that their ‘freedom of speech’ right is all the power they need to belittle and slander those who ‘sin’ differently from them. And the law is not justice as it protects the crooks.

The voice is too powerful to be used as a tool to feed the growing negativity and destroy what little good is left here.

I believe that the sound of a voice was so powerful that God himself spoke the universe into being. Just only spoke.

And because we are part and parcel of him, our words too carry power. That’s why when we pray or chant ‘Aum’ we leave this dimension and go to a spiritual one. In in the spiritual one, we are all the same. Our word are so powerful because they originate from our being, which translates to thoughts which translates to words, which translates into actions. Actions shape the world around us, whether helpful or manipulative. [yet they are powered only by words]. A ‘reality’ is formed with rules and regulations and social class and devastation.

This reality is not real. Only Love is real.

Yet we believe that because the reality it is material and tangible, it is ‘realer’ than anything else and cannot be questioned.

We speak always of what we experience with our senses but what about what we experience with our spirit-soul? Is that not tangible and real? Can it not influence our thoughts, words, actions and even ‘realities’


What a troubling thought. That the almighty human race believes that immorality is an earth experience.

I wish they could see that we are all just spirit-souls having a human experience and not the other way around.


I never really felt free but then again, I was never sure what freedom really meant or what it even felt like.

The masses say it’s a driver’s license or some rock concert that I might be too young to attend.

I’ve did those things and yet. they did not set me free.

But then again maybe, who am I to demand a thing as paradoxical as freedom when the masses themselves are enslaved. For they are me and I am them and the rules of the universe are the same: even for the creator of the universe.

My eyes are on fire thanks to my ignorance. Ignorance. Fire.

And my back hurts, because I am a Slave.